• Impact

    Scores of American cities have implemented the National Network's strategies with powerful impact over nearly two decades. Substantial research and field experience has proven that these interventions are associated with large reductions in violence and other serious crime.

The National Network's approach has attracted significant media attention over twenty years. This page features the most recent coverage of our work and a searchable archive of media about the National Network's projects around the nation and abroad.

The National Network convenes regular conferences, working sessions and webinars to discuss and promote developments in its core areas of operation, showcase innovations, and set research and development priorities.

Recent Press

Top Chicago prosecutor ‘stunned’ at how few gun cases brought to trial yield convictions

July 2017  |  Chicago Tribune  

According to Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, about 80 percent of those charged with gun crimes in 2016 pleaded guilty, with the remainder of the cases going to trial. Only about 30 percent of the defendants whose cases were decided by a judge in a bench trial were convicted, while juries convicted about 42 percent of the gun crime suspects whose cases were brought before them, Foxx told the editorial board.

"It's an embarrassing number," Foxx said.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention

IIP Director Meg Reiss: America’s New Breed of Prosecutors

July 2017  |  The Crime Report  

"Communities across the country are demanding a criminal justice system that advances safety and justice – and prosecutors are stepping up to heed the call."

Tags: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution

Gun violence remains major issue to overcome in Bermuda

July 2017  |  The Royal Gazette  

The new Progressive Labour Party government will have its plate full with a wide range of complex issues. Among them will be the deeply disturbing trend of gun violence, believed to be gang-related, which seems unstoppable despite numerous efforts by previous governments, police, community leaders, and cries from various sections of public life that something needs to be done to halt what could become a nightmare for every Bermudian who desires a safe and healthy society.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Next Minneapolis police chief has deep community roots

July 2017  |  ABC News  

Acting Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Chief Medaria Arradondo, who is taking over for recently resigned Chief Janee Harteau, has been on the force for 28 years, and has been instrumental in MPD's work with the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice.

Tags: Minneapolis National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention

Nearly Half of All Murdered Women Are Killed by Romantic Partners

July 2017  |  The Atlantic  

"Over half of the killings of American women are related to intimate partner violence, with the vast majority of the victims dying at the hands of a current or former romantic partner, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today."

Tags: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Not everything is “fine” in singer R. Kelly’s alleged “sex cult”

July 2017  |  Mic  

IPVI Director Rachel Teicher, on the power dynamic between victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence: "We often forget that, besides there being a very powerful dynamic of power and control, there can be love. There can be very intense feelings of love or fidelity that can bleed into neediness or dependence once you’ve become incredibly isolated.”

Tags: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

New Wilmington police chief pledges to build trust in community

July 2017  |  The News Journal  

New Wilmington Police Chief Robert Tracy believes that "every officer should function as a community police officer." He also plans, with guidance from NNSC Director David Kennedy, to implement a violence reduction strategy that draws from the concepts behind the Group Violence Intervention.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Meet a new breed of prosecutor

July 2017  |  The Christian Science Monitor  

Institute for Innovation in Prosecution Executive Session members Mark Gonzalez, Kim Ogg, and Kim Foxx are among a new breed of prosecutors who are "eschewing the death penalty, talking rehabilitation as much as punishment, and often refusing to charge people for minor offenses."

Tags: Chicago Institute for Innovation in Prosecution

Pittsburgh Police Zone Five Working To Improve Community Relations

July 2017  |  CBS Pittsburgh  

Jason Lando is the commander of Zone 5 — once known as the Fighting 5th — the toughest police precinct in the city. But after years of community distrust culminating in the controversial arrest of student Jordan Miles — Lando has tried to set a new tone.

“It’s literally about winning people over one person at a time. You do that by treating people with respect, checking up with the guy on the corner, letting people know you care,” Lando says.

Tags: Pittsburgh National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

York needs follow-through after impressive GVI launch

July 2017  |  York Dispatch  

York City is off to a good start with its new Group Violence Intervention initiative. So says the national advisor for the organization that created the program on which it’s based, who notes the local stakeholders have “gone beyond lip service.”

"There are a couple pieces (to the initiative) that cities can get right — right out of the gate — that are really important," said Louisa Aviles, associate director of the National Network for Safe Communities' group-violence portfolio. "Some cities nail them, and other cities take longer to get them in place."

Tags: York Group Violence Intervention Support and Outreach

Community Activist Pushes Immediate Action To Stem Violence In Bridgeport

July 2017  |  Bridgeport Daily Voice  

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and Police Chief AJ Perez have pledged to re-emphasize Project Longevity, Connecticut's statewide implementation of the Group Violence Intervention. 

Tags: Bridgeport Group Violence Intervention

The Cost Of Jobs: Officials say jobs are key to reducing violence, but [...]

July 2017  |  WBEZ  

To tamp down Chicago’s gun violence, officials are trying things such as more youth mentoring and more cops. They are also talking about another approach: getting shooters employed.

“The best anti-crime program is a job,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said last fall in a heavily hyped speech about the city’s violence. “It’s that simple.”

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention Support and Outreach

In New Orleans’ mayor’s complicated legacy on crime, NOLA for Life is a bright spot

July 2017  |  The New Orleans Advocate  

During the early years of NOLA for Life, the number of homicides in New Orleans declined to its lowest rate since 1971. Since then, however, violence has steadily increased.

Tags: New Orleans Group Violence Intervention

Google Gives $2 Million to Curb Gun Violence

June 2017  |  The Trace  

The tech giant’s philanthropic arm will grant $2 million to fund gun violence prevention programs in communities of color in 10 American cities. Most of the investment will go to programs that follow the model of Ceasefire, a violence-reduction strategy that coordinates law enforcement, community stakeholders, and social services to drive down shootings. The grants will also establish job-training programs for gunshot victims and perpetrators, and workshops for law enforcement on anti-bias policing.

Tags: ChicagoCincinnatiDallasGaryIndianapolisMilwaukeeNew York CityOakland Group Violence Intervention Support and Outreach

Bryan Stevenson: A Presumption of Guilt

June 2017  |  The New York Review of Books  

"People of color in the United States, particularly young black men, are often assumed to be guilty and dangerous. In too many situations, black men are considered offenders incapable of being victims themselves. As a consequence of this country’s failure to address effectively its legacy of racial inequality, this presumption of guilt and the history that created it have significantly shaped every institution in American society, especially our criminal justice system."

Tags: Reconciliation

When Police Fail to Solve Homicides, Families Carry the Weight

June 2017  |  The Trace  

David Kennedy: “Low clearance rates mean people have low confidence in the police, which leads to reluctance to cooperate, which leads to low clearance rates. At the same time, low clearance rates mean that there isn’t legal accountability for serious violence, which leads people to take things into their own hands, which leads to high levels of violence and low clearance rates. It’s a spiral of decline.”

Tags: Kansas City Group Violence Intervention

Want To Be A Chicago Police Officer? You’ll Have To Learn Black History

June 2017  |  DNAinfo  

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, speaking to recruits: “Because violence most often affects those in disadvantaged neighborhoods, due in part to the disparity we desperately need to fix, we also find ourselves interacting more often than not with African-Americans and other people of color. Many of you will start your careers in these areas, and it’s important you understand the history that created the conditions in those neighborhoods.”

Tags: Chicago National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

Chicago goes high-tech in search of answers to gun crime surge

June 2017  |  BBC  

Somewhere in Chicago's 11th district, a microphone has picked up the percussive sound of a bullet and sent a signal, via California, to the police station, which is where Kim Smith hears about it.

Ms Smith, a data analyst from the University of Chicago, works at one of the city's new Strategic Decision Support Centres, where data, technology, and old-fashioned police work are being combined in an effort to control a sudden surge in gun violence.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention

Chief Diggs hopes progressive policing will lead to healing in Fort Myers

June 2017  |  News-Press  

Fort Myers police Chief Derrick Diggs implements new tactics to strengthen the relationship between community members and law enforcement. Through efforts to collaborate with consultants, the minority community, institutions, and his own police force, Diggs enacts a progressive reform to his department’s practices in order to focus more heavily on restorative justice, to build trust with the community, and to change the mindset of his police force.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention

Chief Diggs hopes progressive policing will lead to healing in Fort Myers

June 2017  |  The News-Press  

The restorative healing circle at the Parents of Murdered Children meeting is one of the new approaches Fort Myers police Chief Derrick Diggs is taking to heal the broken relationship between the minority community and police. The group has been in existence for just under a year, but it adopted the circle because of restorative justice consultants who have been working in Fort Myers to address the underlying issues of distrust.

Diggs seeks a progressive approach to law enforcement, a change from past chiefs who had more of a heavy hand and zero-tolerance policy — especially when it came to communities of color.

Diggs, who was hired in August, inherited a department that was understaffed to police a city where gun violence became a common event and solving homicides a rarity. Forty-eight homicides went unsolved over a five-year period.

Tags: Fort Myers Group Violence Intervention

What do many mass shooters have in common? A history of domestic violence.

June 2017  |  The Washington Post  

One analysis of mass shootings from 2009 through 2016 concluded that at least 54 percent of mass shootings — or 85 out of 156 incidents — involved a current or former intimate partner or family member as a victim. Other research has found that those who abuse their domestic partners are also more likely to abuse children and animals, and that 68 percent of men in a sample of batterers exhibited other “problem behaviors,” such as fights, previous arrests or drunken driving.

Tags: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Police speak less respectfully to black drivers, study suggests

June 2017  |  CNN  

Analyzing 183 hours' worth of body camera footage from the Oakland Police Department (OPD), a team of Stanford researchers found that police officers tended to be "less respectful, less polite, less friendly, less formal and less impartial" towards black drivers during traffic stops as compared to whites. Responding to this report, OPD Deputy Chief Leronne Armstrong pointed out that the data used was from 2014. Since that time, the entire department has undergone a series of trainings related to procedural justice. 

Tags: Oakland National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

A Police Chief Reflects: ‘Handcuffs Are Not the Solution’

June 2017  |  The Crime Report  

Former Dallas Police Chief David Brown, on how society should address crime and violence: "You have to find a way to peel back the layers, and find root causes, and mitigate the root causes where they occur, whether that’s mental illness, drug addiction, job training, opportunities in the community, or economic development. You have to find those root causes to have a really clean sense of what would make us safer, what impacts these communities. We criminalize poverty, we criminalize mental illness, we criminalize drug addiction, and those are treatable things that we can resolve with policy. Handcuffs are not the solution."

Tags: Dallas

A Haven From Trauma’s Cruel Grip

May 2017  |  The New York Times  

"Along with a growing number of hospital-based violence intervention programs, the new [trauma recovery] centers acknowledge the link between violence and public health, as well as the insidious ripple effects that untreated trauma can have on public safety. The likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime — and a repeat victim — increases exponentially for low-income people of color underage 30, the very population least likely to seek help."

Tags: Support and Outreach

Street Stops by New York City Police Have Plummeted

May 2017  |  The New York Times  

In encouraging news for critics of the "stop-and-frisk" policing era presided over by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the racial disparity in street stops by NYPD officers narrowed between 2013 and 2015. This discovery came from a report filed in federal court by the court-appointed monitor overseeing the Police Department.

Tags: New York City

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