• Impact

    Scores of American cities have implemented the National Network's strategies with powerful impact over nearly two decades. Substantial research and field experience has proven that these interventions are associated with large reductions in violence and other serious crime.

The National Network's approach has attracted significant media attention over twenty years. This page features the most recent coverage of our work and a searchable archive of media about the National Network's projects around the nation and abroad.

The National Network convenes regular conferences, working sessions and webinars to discuss and promote developments in its core areas of operation, showcase innovations, and set research and development priorities.

Recent Press

Baton Rouge’s BRAVE initiative expands to 70802 area

September 2014  |  The Advocate  

Due to the initiative's recent success, the Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination team expanded its' efforts to cover the second most violent area of the city. BRAVE now covers the areas that account for over 50 percent of Baton Rouge’s violent crime.  

Tags: Baton Rouge Group Violence Intervention

New federal program aims to build trust between police and communities

September 2014  |  LA Times  

Citing growing divisions between police and residents, AG Holder announced the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice, aimed at mending these relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve.  "As law enforcement leaders, each of us has an essential obligation and a unique opportunity to ensure fairness, eliminate bias, and build community engagement," he said.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

FBI director honors New Orleans and Baton Rouge task forces with award

September 2014  |  The Times-Picayune   

GVI efforts in Louisiana's two largest cities has produced a prominent national award for New Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro and East Baton Rouge DA Hillar Moore. DA Leon Cannizzaro’s work with GVRS and the Multi-Agency Gang Unit in New Orleans won recognition from FBI director James B. Comey and the 2014 Director's Award for Distinguished Service to the Law Enforcement Community. This marks the first time a New Orleans district attorney has won the Director's Award. Read the press release here.

Tags: Baton RougeNew Orleans Group Violence Intervention

Closing the Crime Gap to Reduce Inequality

September 2014  |  Washington Post   

Closing the crime gap entails more than just policing and new city ordinances, writes Yale University's Andrew Papachristos. Among the numerous gaps that contribute to inequality, closing the crime gap also means thinking about ways to enhance the legitimacy and fairness of our criminal justice system.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention

How New Orleans is Using Innovation Strategy to Reduce Violent Deaths

September 2014  |  Co.Exist  

New Orleans is using a data driven innovation strategy to reduce violence after having studied strategies used by other cities like Memphis, Chicago, and University of Cincinnati's Robin Engel.  “The biggest thing that went against common belief is that a lot of our violence was related to groups and gangs,” says Charles West, who was appointed by Mayor Mitch Landrieu to lead the New Orleans innovation delivery team. “We were always told that we didn’t have a gang problem. But we had gangs of significant size, and people just weren’t talking about it. More than anything, there wasn’t a specific form of policing strategy for groups and gangs.”

Tags: New Orleans Group Violence Intervention

NJ mayors hear from crime experts at Rutgers-Newark

September 2014  |  NJ.com  

On September 10th, NJ mayors of Jersey City, Newark and Paterson, prosecutors, police chiefs, and criminal justice experts convened at the Urban Mayors Roundtable on public safety at Rutgers University’s Police Institute to discuss strategies to reduce crime including focused deterrence responses to violence and building trust with the community. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka spoke of the debilitating effects of aggressive policing in minority neighborhoods, adding, “We have to have a police strategy that’s focused on the 1 percent we keep talking about as opposed to this big net." In addition, Newark Public Safety Director Eugene Venable spoke about Newark’s Violence Reduction Initiative. 

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Community members and law enforcement join together to stop gun violence in South Bend

August 2014  |  WNDU  

Over the last four years in South Bend, shootings have gone up during the summer months. However, this year has been different. Homicide is down this summer and the South Bend community leaders involved in the city's Group Violence Intervention think it's due to the success of the call-in meeting held in May, where law enforcement, community activists, and service providers spoke directly to group members about stopping the violence. South Bend held it's second call-in August 28th.

Tags: South Bend Group Violence Intervention

Shattered Lives: Offender Focused Domestic Violence Initiative

August 2014  |  Blog Talk Radio  

The National Network's pilot intervention aimed at the most dangerous domestic violence offenders is showing promising results in its initial implementation in High Point, North Carolina, and heading for replication in several other cities. Domestic violence victim advocate Shay Harger saw the essence of the approach from the outset: "It was the first time I'd had somebody say to me, "the victim doesn't have to take responsibility for somebody else's behavior." Harger and High Point Chief of Police Marty Sumner discuss the OFDVI approach.

Tags: High Point Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Ferguson’s Schools Are Just as Troubling as Its Police Force

August 2014  |  The New Republic  

Yale Law School's Tracey Meares writes in The New Republic about the sentiment of fear and anger in Ferguson and other traumatized communities.  She argues that the fear and anger is not solely the result of mistreatment by the police, but from other factors such as housing, educational and civil

Tags: Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

Message Getting Across in Sixth Peoria Don’t Shoot Call-In

August 2014  |  Central Illinois Proud  

Don't Shoot in Peoria held it's sixth call-in with group members, and the dedicated community members involved in the strategy believe the message is getting across. 

Tags: Peoria Group Violence Intervention

EBR prosecutors take new tack in domestic violence prosecutions

August 2014  |  The Advocate  

Looking to the example of veteran National Network partner High Point Police Department in High Point, North Carolina, East Baton Rouge District Attorney's Office' DA Hillar Moore is hoping to adopt a new approach to target chronic domestic violence offenders, expanding on the tactics already in place for the city-parish's anti-group violence initiative, BRAVE, Baton Rouge.

Tags: Baton RougeHigh Point Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Greater New Haven chiefs: Diversity a key ingredient in effective policing

August 2014  |  New Haven Register  

New Haven Police Chief Dean Esserman emphasizes the importance of forging positive relationships with the community before violence occurs. Beyond recommendations to have a police reflect the community it serves, Esserman said, “how you police matters—It’s about fairness and dignity and trust.”

Tags: New Haven Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

For People of Color, Relationships With Police Are Complicated

August 2014  |  NPR  

NPR's Code Switch discusses tensions between police and communities, and means to build trust, in the aftermath of the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. David Kennedy contributes the National Network's experience with shifting and resetting these relationships.

Tags: Reconciliation

Can Smarter Police Work Prevent Another Ferguson?

August 2014  |  NBC News  

The National Network for Safe Communities' approach in Salinas is being identified as an alternative to the conflict in Ferguson. "This is ultimately, a slow and deliberate process of trust building," says Salinas Police Department Chief Kelly McMillin

Tags: Salinas

Update on South Bend gang violence intervention program

August 2014  |  Fox 28 News  

Two and a half months after South Bend's first call-in, GVI coordinator Dominic Zultanski says the number of shootings in South Bend are down.  Out of the 21 men who attended May's call-in, fifteen men have accepted offers for services.

Tags: South Bend Group Violence Intervention

Lexington Police launch domestic violence initiative

July 2014  |  The Dispatch  

The Lexington Police Department earlier this month kicked off a domestic violence initiative that's focused on offenders and replicates High Point’s Offender Focused Domestic Violence Initiative, first implemented by High Point Chief of Police Marty Sumner.  Officials hope the duplication of the program will reduce repeat calls for services and injuries to victims.

Tags: Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Helping hands vs. handcuffs

July 2014  |  Times Free Press  

In the five months since Chattanooga's Violence Reduction Initiative began, 58 of the city's most violent offenders have landed jobs, and with the  help of VRI, 42 have held onto those jobs.  Police and community leaders also met face to face with 26 people to deliver custom notifications -- a personalized letter from Chief Fred Fletcher.

Tags: Chattanooga Group Violence Intervention Custom Notifications

Old Cops Teach New Picks: NYPD Rookies Learn To Relate

July 2014  |  WNYC  

A new report from WNYC's Kathleen Horan talks about how the 79th precinct in Bedford-Stuyvesant is one of eight precincts taking part in a pilot program that aims to show new cops how to bring a more personable approach to law enforcement.

Tags: New York City Reconciliation

Malloy Applauds Bridgeport’s Drop In Violent Crime

July 2014  |  The Courant  

During a visit to Bridgeport, Gov. Dan Malloy said that programs like Project Longevity is part of a coordinated effort to keep the state's young people safer. Bridgeport's chapter of Project Longevity has reached out to 79 potential offenders between the ages of 17 and 34 — some of them with records of violent crimes — inviting them to group meetings with police officers and other members of the community to talk about the consequences of violent activity and offering to help them find jobs.

Tags: BridgeportHartfordNew Haven Group Violence Intervention

Kansas City homicide rate down in first half of 2014

July 2014  |  Kansas City Star  

As of June 30, Kansas City homicides were down 31 percent from the same time last year. Coincidence or not, the decrease comes during the first months of a reorganization in the way the Kansas City Police Department fights violent crime, and follows the first full year of the ambitious and multifaceted Kansas City No Violence Alliance (KC NoVA).

Tags: Kansas City Group Violence Intervention

What We Talk About When We Talk About Violence In Chicago

July 2014  |  NPR's Codeswitch  

Andrew Papachristos points to what he calls "the crime gap" — the huge disparity in homicide rates in different areas of the Windy City. "Even though the numbers in Chicago are what they are, the gap between the worst neighborhoods and the best neighborhoods is massive," he said. The neighborhoods that have had the highest rates of violence over the last half-century still see the most violence.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention Social Network Analysis

Violence has ebbed on stormy Irving St.

July 2014  |  Enquirer  

Six months ago, parents could not let their children out of their homes in Avondale without fear. After coordinated efforts between Cincinnati Police and the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV), resident Darlene Gillie says things have changed on Irving Street. “And it’s gonna keep that way.”

Tags: Cincinnati Group Violence Intervention

After one year on the job, Detroit Police Chief James Craig said the department is turning around

July 2014  |  Michigan Radio  

Prior to his return to the department a year ago, Police Chief James Craig began his career in law enforcement in Detroit in 1977 and has since then served in Los Angeles and Cincinnati.  "We need to drive the message. We need to tell the story. We need to talk about our crime reduction efforts. We need to talk about the community’s perception,” Craig said. 

Tags: Detroit Group Violence Intervention

Kansas City moves in the right direction on murder, gunshot numbers

July 2014  |  Kansas City Star  

Kansas City closed out June with good reasons to be encouraged that efforts to abate violent crimes may be showing results. "Using intelligence to get ahead of violence is huge," said Kansas City Police Capt. Joe McHale, who is working with Kansas City NoVA, one of the innovative ways of deploying police resources, one of the efforts that may be having results.

Tags: Kansas City Group Violence Intervention

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