• Impact

    Scores of American cities have implemented the National Network's strategies with powerful impact over nearly two decades. Substantial research and field experience has proven that these interventions are associated with large reductions in violence and other serious crime.

The National Network's approach has attracted significant media attention over twenty years. This page features the most recent coverage of our work and a searchable archive of media about the National Network's projects around the nation and abroad.

The National Network convenes regular conferences, working sessions and webinars to discuss and promote developments in its core areas of operation, showcase innovations, and set research and development priorities.

Recent Press

How a stretch of a South Side Chicago neighborhood rid itself of shootings

August 2015  |  CBS Evening News  

"It is no secret Chicago has a crime problem: murders this year are up 21 percent. But in one part of town, they're down 14 percent. The turnaround has the sounds of childhood making a comeback on Yvonne Marshall's block. 'All you hear is kids laughing and playing,' said Marshall."

From Chicago, a story of community initiative prompted by police-neighborhood communication.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention

“Swift, Certain, Fair” Justice Movement Grows

August 2015  |  The Crime Report  

From Hawaii to test sites in 28 states, the new swift-certain-fair approach to probation has spread--and continues to grow.

Tags: Swift, Certain, & Fair

A Matter of Black Lives

August 2015  |  The Atlantic  

(William Widner / The Atlantic)

"Since 1980, more than 260,000 black men have been killed in America. Mitch Landrieu, the mayor of New Orleans, is on a crusade to stop the killing." Jeffrey Goldberg travels to New Orleans, attends a call-in, and describes anti-violence work in the city.

Tags: New Orleans Group Violence Intervention

What We Learned From German Prisons

August 2015  |  New York Times  

"Earlier this summer, we led a delegation of people concerned about the United States criminal justice system to visit some prisons in Germany and observe their conditions," write Nicholas Turner, president of Vera Institute, and Jeremy Travis, president of John Jay College. "What we saw was astonishing,"

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

St. Louis County Biased Against Black Juveniles, Justice Department Finds

August 2015  |  New York Times  

The Justice Department said Friday that the juvenile justice system in St. Louis County, Mo., treats black youths far more harshly than whites, and deprives all low-income youths accused of crimes — no matter what race — of their basic constitutional rights.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Strategic Prosecution

Anti-crime push uses call-ins, care to target specific groups in Savannah

August 2015  |  Savann  

Ahead of this week’s arrival of a research team from John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s National Network for Safe Communities, its director, David Kennedy, talked to the Savannah Morning News about how his organization’s crime-reduction initiative is expected to curb shootings, robberies and drug sales in Savannah.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

SCMPD Chief Lumpkin Talks About Operation Ceasefire

July 2015  |  WSAV 3  

Police Chief Jack Lumpkin discusses Operation Ceasefire.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Chief Lumpkin gives Operation Ceasefire update

July 2015  |  WJCL  

Savannah-Chatham County Metropolitan Police Chief Joseph Lumpkin gave the media an update on Operation Ceasefire on Tuesday.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Police and the Public – Part 2: Gary Police partners with Department of Justice

July 2015  |  WNDU  

The Gary Police Department is getting special attention -- and major grant money -- from the Department of Justice.

Tags: Gary National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

City & State TV: John Jay College President Jeremy Travis

July 2015  |  City & State NY  

In an interview with City & State, President Jeremy Travis of John Jay College of Criminal Justice​ discusses the National Initiative for Building Community Trust & Justice and overall efforts to help police forces do their job without causing harm and regain the trust of the public in many communities across the nation.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

AG Lynch: DOJ Is Working Towards Racial Reconciliation

July 2015  |  TRNS  

Recently appointed Attorney General, Loretta Lynch spoke at The National Organization Of Black Law Enforcement Executives’ (NOBLE) 39th Annual Conference in Indianapolis on Monday where she reminded the audience that breakdowns between communities of color and law enforcement can have dire consequences.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

Meet the judge who assigns essays in court

July 2015  |  MSNBC  

Judge Victoria Pratt is a pioneer in procedural justice. She joins Melissa Harris-Perry to explain her progressive approach to working with defendants.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

High Point, NC Focuses on Offenders to Deter Domestic Violence

July 2015  |  Battered Women's Justice Project  

The High Point Police Department has been applying the evidence-based focused deterrence approach to the problem of intimate partner violence (IPV).

Tags: High Point Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

New York trip set in local crime reduction effort

July 2015  |  Savannah Now  

A group of prosecutors, police, elected officials and community leaders will travel to New York from July 15-17 to meet with a nationally known criminologist and discuss a program designed to help stop violent crime.

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Englewood Residents Say “Don’t Shoot” Signs Working

July 2015  |  CBS Chicago  

In Chicago, ‪Englewood‬ residents have been seeing more “Don’t Shoot” signs and less gun violence. Signs like “Don’t Shoot, Kids at Play” are sending street gangs a moral message about the negative impact violence has on the community. It turns out community members, including some gang members, posted the signs after a notification meeting with Supt. Garry McCarthy and other ‪‎Chicago‬ VRS partners. They seem to be having an impact.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention

Police Commissioner Bratton Speaks At The National Network For Safe Communities Conference

July 2015  |  NYPD News  

NYPD Commissioner William Bratton speaks at the National Network for Safe Communities Conference.

Tags: New York City National Conference 2015

Anti-violence program having “profound impact” in Chicago area

July 2015  |  Fox 32 News  

Chicago Violence Reduction Strategy has been making a serious difference in ‪Chicago‬ communities, Fox News Chicago reports. Chris Mallette of Chicago VRS, along with police and community members, has spoken directly to several hundred high-risk people letting them know they're important to the community, but that the ‪‎violence‬ needs to stop. “We believe that the moral voice of the community still exists, it's always existed...it has a profound impact." The approach is promising: it appears to be reducing both violent victimization and offending among those notified. Many are also reaching out for help.

Tags: Chicago Group Violence Intervention Custom Notifications

U.S. Attorney Jim Lewis: ‘Don’t shoot’ program a valuable policing tool

July 2015  |  State Journal Register  

"It worked in Peoria. Law enforcement identified and prosecuted the very few who drove the violent crime. And law enforcement, together with community voices and leaders, called in people who appeared tempted toward violent crime. These call-ins were open to the public and included messages from law enforcement, social services, ex-offenders, the faith community and other moral voices, all spelling out the expectation that people in Peoria should not shoot one another."

Tags: Peoria Group Violence Intervention

Attorney General Loretta Lynch to bring community policing tour to Birmingham

June 2015  |  AL.com  

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is visiting ‪‎Birmingham‬, Alabama, as part of a national tour to highlight collaborative projects, such as the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice and the recently-announced Birmingham Violence Reduction Initiative, based on the National Network for Safe Communities' Group Violence Intervention.

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

The simple idea that could transform US criminal justice

June 2015  |  The Guardian  

In an effort to enhance procedural justice, Newark Judge Victoria Pratt looks defendants in the eye, asks them to write essays about their goals, and applauds them for complying – and she is getting results.

Tags: Reconciliation

Pepperdine and Department of Justice Announce Swift Certain Fair Resource Center

June 2015  |  Business Wire  

New center provides free training and services in implementing and evaluating swift, certain, and fair responses in corrections across the nation.

Tags: Swift, Certain, & Fair

John Jay College Report Looks at Summonses for Low-level Violations in New York City

May 2015  |  John Jay College of Criminal Justice  

John Jay College of Criminal Justice released a report on summonses issued in New York City from 2003-2013. The study offers an in-depth look at summons issuance patterns in the City’s five boroughs and two community courts from data provided by the Office of Court Administration.

Tags: New York City

Don’t Shoot Call-In warns gang affiliates about gun violence in Peoria

May 2015  |  CI News Now  

Nine people, all with ties to gangs, were told to put the guns down and take that message back to their "group." That message was given at Monday night's Don't Shoot Call-In.

Tags: Peoria Group Violence Intervention

What does good policing look like?

May 2015  |  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette  

Over the last nine months, our country has lurched from crisis to crisis concerning police/​community relations and police use of force: from Ferguson, Mo., to New York City, to Cleveland, Ohio, to North Charleston, S.C., to Tulsa, Okla., and now Baltimore. Each time, we hear pledges of police department reform. This raises a question: What does a good police department look like?

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

The Crisis of Police Legitimacy

May 2015  |  The Hill  

As riots engulfed parts of Baltimore, and Americans everywhere were forced to confront police killings and other brutalities in minority communities, TV viewers and newspaper readers were exposed to a series of polls demonstrating the very different attitudes African-Americans and whites display toward our police. These statistics signal a crisis of legitimacy for our police in the African-American community. 

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

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