• Impact

    Scores of American cities have implemented the National Network's strategies with powerful impact over nearly two decades. Substantial research and field experience has proven that these interventions are associated with large reductions in violence and other serious crime.

The National Network's approach has attracted significant media attention over twenty years. This page features the most recent coverage of our work and a searchable archive of media about the National Network's projects around the nation and abroad.

The National Network convenes regular conferences, working sessions and webinars to discuss and promote developments in its core areas of operation, showcase innovations, and set research and development priorities.

Recent Press

Can Empathy Improve Policing?

October 2016  |  Huffington Post  

"Social scientists have begun joining forces with police to look at how police communication protocols and training can be changed to help increase community trust for the police and reduce the use of force—and help them work together to fight crime."

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

Better by Half

October 2016  |  Marshall Project  

"Between 1996 and 2014, [New York City] was bucking the national trends. Its incarceration rate — including inmates in city jails and prisoners in state prisons who originated in the city — declined by 55 percent, while incarceration in the remainder of both New York State and the United States was rising."

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

In a Time of Crisis, We Need a New Language of Justice

October 2016  |  The Atlantic, City Lab  

"Dr. Phillip A. Goff, the president and cofounder of the Center for Policing Equity, is developing a new vocabulary for racism and policing."

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

York police asking community to help reduce gang violence

October 2016  |  FOX 43  

"Officers in York are asking the community to help stop the violence. Police said most of the violence is caused by just a small group of people in the community. York City Police Chief Wes Kahley said it's important for people to speak up to help stop the crimes."

Tags: Group Violence Intervention

Haunted by a face, mother of slain toddler finds restorative justice 21 years later

October 2016  |  Denver Post  

A new Department of Corrections program sets the stage for face-to-face dialogue between offenders, victims, and families. 

Tags: Institute for Innovation in ProsecutionNational Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

Daily intel meetings help New Haven’s Project Longevity prevent violent crime

October 2016  |  New Haven Register  

Project Longevity in New Haven holds intelligence meetings four days per week to inform any action it takes. 

Tags: New Haven Group Violence Intervention

City to expand successful violence-reduction strategy beyond South Philadelphia

October 2016  |  The Philly Voice  

"During his campaign, mayoral candidate Jim Kenney repeatedly called to expand Focused Deterrence, a violence intervention strategy that contributed to a dramatic decrease in shootings and homicides following its 2013 implementation in South Philadelphia."

Tags: Philadelphia Group Violence Intervention

U.S. police chiefs group apologizes for ‘historical mistreatment’ of minorities

October 2016  |  Washington Post  

"The president of America’s largest police management organization on Monday issued a formal apology to the nation’s minority population 'for the actions of the past and the role that our profession has played in society’s historical mistreatment of communities of color.'"(IACP)

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

Why the Money Bail System Needs to End

October 2016  |  The Crime Report  

"A growing body of research shows that [money bail] doesn’t achieve its purpose, and that people show up in court at the same high rates whether they pay money up front or not."

Tags: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution

One Great Way to Reduce Gun Violence? A Whole Lot of Data

October 2016  |  Wired  

"At their core, data tell stories. They reveal patterns, show changes over time, and confirm or challenge our theories. And in cities across the country, mayors, police chiefs, and other local leaders are turning to data to help them understand and address gun violence, one of the most persistent crises they face."

Tags: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution Group Violence Intervention

Use-of-force by Pittsburgh police declines, city reports as part of White House program

October 2016  |  Trib Live  

"Use-of-force incidents by Pittsburgh police fell 16 percent from 2010 to 2015, according to a report released Thursday, the same day Mayor Bill Peduto announced that the city will join a White House effort to gather police statistics to increase accountability."

Tags: Pittsburgh National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention

Justice Department to Track Use of Force by Police Across U.S.

October 2016  |  New York Times  

"The Justice Department said Thursday that it would start collecting nationwide data early next year on police shootings and other violent encounters with the public, after a series of protests and investigations since 2014 spurred by a string of deadly episodes."Edmund D. Fountain for The New York Times

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

When Justice Fails, Here’s How to Begin the Healing

October 2016  |  The Crime Report  

"Public trust isn’t a given anymore; public trust has to be won...the justice system’s efforts to win public trust will stand or fall on how the system and its practitioners confront their own mistakes."

Tags: Institute for Innovation in ProsecutionNational Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

How America’s Past Shapes Native Americans’ Present

October 2016  |  The Atlantic  

"A Minneapolis community seeks to counteract centuries of federal policies that have put its people at a disadvantage."

Tags: Minneapolis National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

Ken Thompson: The Death of a Visionary Prosecutor

October 2016  |  New York Times  

“Protesters want revolution in the criminal justice system overnight. That won’t happen. The way we’ll bring permanent reforms is when people like me get off sidelines and decide to spend a life of public service.” -Ken ThompsonJesse Dittmar for The New York Times

Tags: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution

Minneapolis Unveils Portal To Show Info, Complaints On Officers

October 2016  |  CBS Minnesota   

"The city of Minneapolis is making information on their police officers more accessible than ever before. Mayor Betsy Hodges revealed a new data portal for the Office of Police Conduct and Review. The office reviews every complaint made against a police officer within the city."

Tags: Minneapolis National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

As Silence Follows Bronx Mother’s Killing, Commissioner Focuses on Trust

October 2016  |  New York Times  

"In his first major policy address as New York City’s police commissioner, James P. O’Neill on Tuesday invoked the unsolved killing of a young mother on a South Bronx playground as symptomatic of past failures in policing and as a guide to building trust among black and Latino city residents."

Tags: New York City National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

NYC crime, stop-and-frisk searches drop in first half of 2016, NYCLU says

October 2016  |  New York Daily News  

"The number of stop-and-frisk searches continues to plunge through the floor, while the crime rate continues to drop, the New York Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday."

Tags: New York City National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

Race And Policing: Treat Black Men And Boys Like Victims, Too

October 2016  |  NPR  

When researchers looked "at gun violence the way epidemiologists study disease — examining the way it spread by social connections. And like a virus, they found that there were certain people who were especially at risk of being touched by it."

Tags: Social Network Analysis

One gun’s journey — 42 bullets fired, 2 killed, 5 wounded

October 2016  |  Chicago Tribune  

Tracing the activity of one gun in Chicago reveals a pattern. 

Tags: Chicago

Retooling America’s Prosecutors

October 2016  |  The Crime Report  

Prosecutors unique place in the criminal justice system affords them the opportunity to influence criminal justice reform in important ways. 

Tags: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution

Why Don’t You Just Call the Cops?

October 2016  |  New York Times  

A new study from Andrew Papachristos "shows that residents of Milwaukee’s neighborhoods, especially residents of black neighborhoods, were far less likely to report crime to the police" after instances of alleged police abuse. 

Tags: National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Reconciliation

Can ‘Implicit Bias’ Training Stop Police Officers From Acting on Hidden Prejudice?

October 2016  |  NBC News  

"A program that educates officers about subconscious stereotypes is getting traction among police departments across the nation...Much of its success depends on how good the trainer is and whether police departments can afford follow-up assessments, experts say."Steve Ruark / AP, file

Tags: Institute for Innovation in ProsecutionNational Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

The surge in violent crime is overblown — but here’s how to combat it

September 2016  |  Vox  

Thomas Abt puts recently released crime statistics in broader context, and makes a case for targeted law enforcement in combating violent crime. 


Gun-violence rates drop in Pittsburgh, Police Chief McLay credits community-policing tactics

September 2016  |  Pittsburgh City Paper  

"Compared to last year, non-fatal shooting crimes were down in Pittsburgh, according to statistics released by the FBI this week...Pittsburgh Police Chief Cameron McLay detailed how community-policing strategies, such as outreach, were effective in lowering these numbers."Ryan Deto

Tags: Pittsburgh National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice Group Violence Intervention Reconciliation

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